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Tax Preparation
In Addition to the Services listed above:
Current Year Individual Income Tax Returns
Business Tax Returns
Computax has partnered up with Monica Justiniano of the Century 21 to help you with all your real estate needs.
Monica has a great knowledge of the local real estate market which is combined with the power of the CENTURY 21 brand-the most recognized name in real estate today. She will assist you in finding your dream home, in a neighborhood that is right for you, and in the price range you want. Or, if you are interested in selling a property, I also have the expertise to help you get the fastest sale possible and at the best price.
Real Estate Services
Monica Justiniano
8078 Crescent Park Dr. St. 205
Gainesville, VA 20155
Cell: (703) 725 - 2381
Office: (703) 753 - 7910
Choose Mortgage Solution Finders Inc. to buy or refinance your home!
Best service to the client!
Carlos Justiniano
Business Development
20 years experience
NMLS 289316
4000 Legato Rd Suite 100
Fairfax, VA 22533
Cell: (703) 587 - 4809
Fax: (703) 542 - 4287
These tasks can be time consuming and confusing, especially when it comes to calculating payroll deductions and preparing the forms to be filed with the various taxing authorities. Our team can handle all these tedious tasks for you. Our goal is to take the stress out of your life and save you time and money.